Time to move on

We determined that five nights would be enough for us at Camping Cyrnos. Today is our last day and we'll move on tomorrow.

We spent this morning walking along the beach eastwards to the next town and its Spar supermarket. As we neared the town the beach became difficult to walk on, sloping so much that I declared it 'a bastard' and we clambered over the dune behind, across a small piece of scrub land and on to the road. We passed another campsite with kids playgrounds and basketball court, thanking our lucky stars that it wasn't ours.

The Spar was a similar size to that in Porto Pollo but didn't appear to sell fresh vegetables. We walked around twice in case we'd we missed it but there just didn't seem to be any. While queuing to pay for sliced cooked meat and cheese for lunch we saw the person in front paying for fresh vegetables. Strange. We just shrugged. We didn't need any anyway since we're moving on tomorrow and need to find a large supermarket enroute to our next campsite. A cucumber, three large tomatoes and three little gem lettuces need using up tonight.

We walked back, a little further on the road than beach this time, bastard. The baguette we'd purchased yesterday was a little crusty but I enjoyed my sandwich containing the whole pack of sliced meat, mustard, cornichon and lettuce. Tony struggled, with his cheese falling out and him discarding the crustiest section completely.

Our new campsite neighbours, or at least their feet, were sitting outside their van where they seem to spend most of their time. They'd just arrived a couple of days ago as we were coming back from the beach. They are a German couple who don't look old enough to drive, let alone afford a VW Transporter. The girl constantly has the expression of a smacked arse, while the boy is lanky and nerdy looking. They're both pale as ghosts.

Anyway, they seemed to be discussing where on the pitch to park and which way to face. Hoping to influence their decision in our favour, I quickly positioned our chairs to give the impression they'd have no privacy if they sited themselves towards our side of the pitch. This seemed to work and not only did they face themselves to the side, their van was moved to the furthest part of their large pitch to us.

As it was the young couple had all the privacy they wanted by extending a tarpaulin awning and boxing themselves in with large sarongs on all three sides, hence it's only the sight of their feet that tips us off they're there. And they're there a lot, appearing to venture out briefly around lunchtime to swim in the sea and again at just the time we're coming back from the beach. They'll go home as pale as they arrived.

We were on the beach by midday and will later pack up some of our stuff in preparation for an early getaway in the morning.


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