
With the weather promising sunshine on Tuesday we set off early for Noirmoutier-en-l'Île, a small island joined to the mainland by bridge and tidal causeway.

We arrived just before noon and our first stop was a beach in the north with dozens upon dozens of white wooden beach huts. There are 57km of beaches around Noirmoutier-en-l'Île and we only covered about 2km on our walk in the sun. There are at least 20 campsites on the island and we walked past one right on the beach that must be a stunning place to camp in the summer.

The castle
After our walk we climbed back in Cleopatra as she took us to the centre of the main town where we parked to meander through the streets. Once again we had timed our visit to a town with lunchtime closing and so only restaurants were open.

We walked around the perimeter of the castle, snapping pictures and then returned to the van. I made us goats cheese sandwiches which we gobbled down with the side door open.

We chose a different route back to Camping du lac so we could visit Nantes. We spent an hour waking around the shops and Tony bought a men's French scarf.

The rest of the journey back to camp was a breeze as it was mostly toll road all the way. We made one final stop at Super U because we both wanted to try different wines and, not having eaten the remaining steak for breakfast, decided to buy the ingredients to make fajitas for dinner.

FRANCE 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8


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