We've dug out the tent

An early morning coffee
Now we know we're getting a campervan, each weekend without it is almost unbearable.

This weekend the weather forecast predicted gloriously warm days and so we decided to get the tent out. We gathered up some of our new campervan purchases including our wood stoves, threw it all in the back of the car and set off for Wales, to a campsite I'm hoping we'll visit regularly.

Cwmdu in the Black Mountains is a site we've visited several times before and we like it for it's quiet and simple feel. It's not open during the winter though, and since we're expecting delivery of the campervan in December we'll not be able to make our first overnight stay there.

It took longer to get there than we'd planned on and we ended up setting up the tent in the dark. This was made a little easier thanks to the wind-up LED lamp I was given for my birthday - 23 LEDs combine to create an almost floodlit area.

With the tent pitched by 9pm we started cooking our dinner on our wood stoves. Mushroom risotto was easily prepared and eagerly devoured. It was a little eerie as everyone else on the site had retired for the night but we weren't yet on camping time.

The weather stayed fine and it was warm and occasionally sunny the next day as we decided to go for a walk along the towpath of the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal. There's 50km of towpath in all and it's not something you're likely to stumble upon as it's half way up the hillside. It really is worth making the effort to find though. Just pick a section to walk with a pub at the end!


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